Practice Hospitality

“Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another” (1 Pet. 4:9)

Be kind. I get angry, I get frustrated, I get hurt... I get mean. Vindictive. Petty. I hold grudges.

I feel that I am being wronged all of the time. It's probably true to an extent. But do I have to respond in kind? Rather, I need to break free from this cycle of hurt and be kind.

Heavenly Father, help me to offer my services to others, the services that you call to my attention in a given situation. Help me to respond. I'm realizing the need for more quiet in my mind and heart. I complain of anxiety all of the time and I don't cease from taking input, so much of it unnecessary. So, I pray to help me quiet my center so that I can align to You and the subtlety of Your moves. Help me be responsive.

"Perhaps you would like to begin by experimenting with a prayer that several of us use. Begin the day by praying, 'Lord Jesus, as it would please you bring me someone today whom I can serve.'"

In Jesus Name,



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