Big Doubtful Things

Romans 14:1 & Philippians 4:8-9

I have an irreversible tendency toward the dramatic. My inclination is to dramatize everything. That is part of my truth. I say this because at times I am at odds with myself and feel "my truth" is masked. That is to say that I feel I am not telling the truth because of my penchant for the dramatic. Last night, I sighed, "is there hope for this generation in God"? Do I believe that sigh? Yes, but I also have another mind about it, that the possibility exists that we can be a generation who reconnects with God and lives out that kind of dynamic life that He wants us to live, full of faith.

In the midst of doubt, tension between two opinions, there is faith, a following of the "one way to go".

Lord, keep me from high drama, from making everything big. Help me to know that big moments will arise. I think that I am getting a glimpse that I have a desire to be a part of big things, but that creating drama is the way that I can have a controlled sense of something bigger than myself. But it's not real. Help me instead to be able to step into moments that are in fact big, by the power of Your Spirit, in truth.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


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