Closing the Door on a Life of Abstraction

Closing the door on all of the natural inclinations in this diagram seems an impossible challenge. But what seems worse is not connecting to what is real, the reality that surpasses our biological senses (although it includes them) and whispers to us that are made for more. We have the capacity for greatness, but greatness is experienced through a means counterintuitive to what we thought. There is a book popular today titled The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. I've not read it, but I presume to know its contents: do what you want, the world will love you for it. And it's true. The world will love you, because it people see what they may be unleashed. And so it is not so much love as it is envy and covetousness. There is another book written and it is called The Earth Shattering, Counterintuitive Art of Being Beholden to Christ. This second book I have only begun to read from the prelude. But I caught a glimpse of something today. From a Gottman book on marriage principles I heard "friendship can be an abstraction". Immediately I thought, "my life with Christ... it's an abstraction. It's based on unlived ideals, fantasy." Lord Jesus I pray for help to the journey to You. I am parched. I am suffering. I am naked and bitter and ashamed. Lay waste my waste and come and find me. In Jesus name, amen.


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