"Follow Me" Crazy Horse Summons Jesus Christ

Listening to an audiobook by Joseph Marshall III, a Native American in story and upbringing. He tells stories of Crazy Horse and his relations that are reminiscent of Jesus. I'd like to share a few of those stories one being about a man who follows the path alone and finds a path of self-discovery found himself in the end but not the beginning. He, in his isolation, was observant about his surroundings; he became the best at knowing the land knowing the ways that you can find shelter. And peace. There came a time when the warriors were away and this man had to be relied on to get the women and the elders to shelter. from that time on he became known as the man who knows the land.

There's another story written about Crazy Horse where a man came to him and said I want to join your people your community and Crazy Horse said to him kill your horse and this didn't make sense to the people that he lived with and the community because your horse is your livelihood. What Crazy Horse was saying is that if you want to be a part of the community you have to depend on the community. Whereas you could have given up your one horse that you won't to gain many horses that you don't own he knew that this man would choose to own his horse but just as horse and the man marched away.

These are lessons to me as I listened last night thinking about the bitterness that takes root in my heart because of the things that happened in my life and how I need to be above that but in it. The only way I've been taught to do that is through Jesus Christ and so I need to learn how to rely on Jesus to help me to be more than I am not just a man but a follower.

The last story or anecdote about the only command that Crazy Horse is said to have given and that was "follow me." He exemplified a life of honor; decision-making for the well-being of others, consideration of others and not just himself. In fact maybe he thought very little of himself at times considering his people most of all.

Lord. I don't know that I've really been at that place of thought of others only, not myself. The machine to that. Help me to look to You for my next steps help me to take Your lead trusting that You are leading & to live out my days mere Christianity. In Jesus name, amen.

This reflection was written via Google's Speech to Text engine on a Samsung J7 Android.


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