The Indwelling Brat

"We can't pray effectively until we get in touch with our inner brat" APL, pg 161. I get so upset at the silliest things. If I say them out loud, I am embarrassed. They are small things. My wife won't talk to me about this the way I want her too, or my wife didn't want to make love tonight. These things that are often momentary get extrapolated into huge monuments which I gaze on and ponder. Their power is negativity and I stand transfixed in darkness. I want the light of my way and I won't be satisfied with anything else. It's silly, but all too real at the same time. Lord, help me with my smallness, the way I get stuck on little things. Help me to be a big man, but not of my own fortitude, but of the indwelling life of God. In Jesus name, amen.


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