Un-less Is More

Today I connected with "unless". Unless you need to, do not "un-less". In other words, less is more. I struggle with this idea. By nature I seek largesse, flourish, bigness. I complicate things; it can even be difficult for me to see the simplest option because I get near sighted on the option that my feelings give me an affinity for. What can I say, I'm primitive.

But it was a rather great day taken altogether. I spent time with Sadie, let her run around BCF while I shopped for lounge wear I'd been looking to get for probably years now. Man, never underestimate the impact of a new look, especially when brought to full effect by new clothes. Before that I had made a couple checklists for field trips and school events. After I got to write for SeedProjX Botany (which is where the "unless" stuff is coming from). From this audiobook, Secrets of Happy Families I'm coming around to the idea that doing family life right requires lots of thoughtful and intentional planning and installments.

I had a game tonight, Ridgeway. Got to talk to Brooks some, happy about that. Interactions with the whole admin team were positive. I hate to think that my attitude is the thing that's throwing everyone off. That it's me, not them.

Talked to Jess about my anxiety and she offered that she gets anxious when she feels she has to perform; when she's meeting new people or has to speak in public. I told her I didn't always feel this way, I don't think. But the performance thing, that aspect of it, felt right. I guess I'm always worried I'm not good enough, that I have to be more than I am and it's possible for me to be so if I can just be more focused, or get down the right system, or stay awake more hours, etc.


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