Goals are discovered, not made.

Life comes at us in one of two ways, from the outside, or from the inside. Life from without is trying to get in, and life from within is on it's way out. As I read the line for the title of this blog in Foster's book (CoD), my heart lept. We often sense goals as an outward push, something that forces into compliant behavior that arrives at victory. But I just had never thought about it clearly in the way stated so simply here: good goals are emergent more than scrupulously calculated. What that means is that we can sit in silence and listen to the song of the heart, and we will find a way to go. 

Lord, do I listen to the song of the heart? I have become a machine of doing. Break my plastic casing, Lord, reach inside, find a beating heart and let that heart beat in sync with You. I've long tried to be about the scruples, but it is not a path fit for me. I'm no good at it. Help me to find the way of heart. 

In Jesus Name,



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