Oldness of the Letter, Newness of the Spirit

Maybe I have sought a life of detachment. To be apart of everything. It disgusts me, even I disgust me. I want to be apart of it all. This Foster calls Eastern mysticism. The way of the East is complete detachment, connection to the nothing. On the other hand, Christianity is something different. It is a way of attachment. Complete dependence and reliance upon God. The provision of this attachment is the Spirit, afforded us though the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But this is not found in the letter on the flat page. The beauty and pull of the letter is its permanence. It will always be there. But letters will not cease to flourish. Which to attend to? That is the way of the Spirit.

God, Lord, Jesus, Holy Spirit, guide me in the Spirit. As I read through Foster's book, I realize how I have ever sought a way of the "law", a way that is fixed in the rigidity of the letter. I ask You open my heart, my mind, and my everything to a new way, a way in Your Spirit. Help me to pay attention, and to follow, as Mr. Foster calls it, the way on the ridge. If I fall off, help me to climb back and to walk. With You. In Love. 

In Jesus Name, 



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