Be Smart for the Long Haul

In my mind is a dark place. My first thoughts, reflected upon in the light of the gospel, make me cringe. I make rapid judgements, pronouncements. When I make associations between different things, I say that "this is true". This morning, reading CoD, I find myself deeply moved by the writing on submission, I think of Foster. He has that Don Fransisco hippy look to me; probably wears sandals, lives in Colorado or the West Coast, has long hair with some hippy hair tie, and he is super smart. I can tell all of that from a smiling picture! Really, I can!

But back to the pronouncements. I believe I may make them because I've long been sensitive regarding my intelligence. My mind works to prove my intelligence: if I am able to make these associations rapidly, well then I must be intelligent. Thinking rapidly equates to intelligence, and so I think rapidly to prove my intelligence. My sensitivities govern my sensibilities.

Turns out I was fairly right about Foster. He does have long hair pulled back (but you can sort of see that in the picture I saw), and he does live in Colorado (but I probably read that somewhere and forgot I knew it). I didn't see any pics or videos with sandals when I searched, and I saw no immediate links between Francisco and Foster. So, maybe I am really intelligent, but this intelligence is an intelligence of safe bets.

Back to the rapidity of thought accompanied by intelligence. Michaelangelo once said that genius is eternal patience. If anything, it is thought in the other way, thought that can be strung together over such long periods of time that it can connect very disparate ideas together.

All of this to ask the question: what does it matter? If I am God's man, He has given me what I need to do His will. So I will align myself to His Word and seek to be his follower, no matter how intelligent or unintelligent I may be.

Lord, help me be smart for the long haul.

In Jesus Name,



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