Count Others Better

Foster brings up a posture of submission... "count others better than yourself". This doesn't really make sense, because, well, what if they're not better than me? Why should I count them better than me? Can't I just love them? The imperative to be beholden to a mental construct seems odd. I don't know why I'm stuck on this, but with so much other of the Gospel, I don't get it, but I get it. It's the paradox of opposites, and the truth that can be found when you lose yourself to find yourself.

But "count others better"? There's a way that I'm not seeing this one, that I've got to get a hold of. Ultimately, I will submit to the authority of scripture, and the Word of God. But submission takes on a much preferred form when it is in the beating of the heart, in addition to the bending of the knee. For now, the bending of the knee.

Lord, help me to count others better, to prefer the brethren, to take care of people. In my self-centered world, I often discover that I do not have space for the care of others. How horrible and lonely. Let this time we spend be solitude, a building of my inner man, and not loneliness, begetting bitterness.

In Jesus Name,



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