Over My Head

CoD, Final Note on Discipline of Submission: "To be in a position of authority and to know that your roots are not deep enough into the divine life to command spiritual authority is a frustrating, almost desperate, quagmire."

The above statement is probably a cause for much of my anxiety. "Unfit" is a word that I can't entertain, but is being entertained all the time by me. I can't help but think that God would have it just this way, that on the surface all that is asked would be beyond my capacity. In fact, it likely is. How can I hope to give someone spiritually what they need?

Lord Jesus, in these days we can take it for granted that it's all a bunch of crap, and fall in line to pushing and pulling our own mounds of crap. Or else, we can call crap crap and have the faith, courage, and love to look to You to guide us in the clear. I am not able on my own to do what You've called me to, but I pray that I step into it anyway, and I pray You meet me there.

In Jesus Name,



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