The Resurrection is Not Relative

The purpose of penance is to help us move into that deeper sense of the sinfulness of sin.

I live my life in contrast. When next to folks performing terribly, I feel I am doing well. When next to folks performing admirably, I feel miserable. Mostly, I feel miserable.

On the other hand, there's so much that I say, "that's not so bad" about. Because of my life in contrast, I examine what's acceptable in the world today and I notice that I am performing outwardly better than many. And there is something in me that says, "I'm ok with that".

But a relativistic life is no life to live if we want to be great people. Not great in the sense of our own fame and glory, but great in the sense that we are God's people and we aim to do His good work.

Lord Jesus, 2000 years ago you rose from the dead to bring new Life to the world. Even now You are seated at the right hand of the Father and are living in Lordship through the Spirit of God. I make confession. Let me know you in the power of Your resurrection! Acquaint me with Your sufferings. By any means, may I attain to the resurrection from the dead.

In Jesus Name,


Phil 3:9-11


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