The Towel and The Basin

"Service banishes us to the mundane, the ordinary, the trivial." Foster CoD

Does not this new chapter speak directly into the despair of my struggle? Has not each chapter delved deeper and deeper into the crux of the tweaks that need to be made in my life? And so it is, that as I feel my body churn, "not that, Lord", that I hear Him say, "yes, that, and it'll be fine."

What does it take to be a good servant? On the one hand it takes doing what you're told to do. That's kind of the baseline. But on the other hand, there is a deeper task for the good servant. That is to perceive what is needed most and to serve in that.

Lord, I have sought to not have compromised my station in life. As husband, as AP, as father, as Child of God, only let me not be embarrassed. Let me by no means be ridiculed. And I don't believe that You would will it so, but these aversions should not be guiding to me. So what if I am ridiculed? Why should I be embarrassed? Lord, by the hand take me into the work of a servant, with the heart of a servant, and the eyes.

In Jesus Name,


Basin and Towel - Michael Card


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