You Are Not Your Own

Kind of a hard pill to swallow... it seems. Until it is swallowed. And then it is the easiest thing in the world. "It is finished" You are not your own. All the desires I have for my life, all that I think I deserve is a myth. It's hard to accept that. But when I do, if I can manage to do it, I will then realize that all I have, all that's been given to me, is from the Lord. He is my keeper. He is my fortress, my protector, my provider. He gives me strength.

Reading from "Acts of Submission" in CoD, Foster considers 7 layers of submission, beginning with our submission to God, and finishing with the world. In reading, I say to myself, "wow, I'm indebted to all these?" Simply put, "yes". I am God's man. I must do as He has me to do.

Lord, I pray for an end to the struggle. May my "why God" become "yes, God". And may there be joy, light, and love everlasting in You.

In Jesus Name,


1 Corinthians 6:19 /
Romans 8:9


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