Heart, Mind, Mouth

A. W. Tozer says, “The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him.” To think rightly about God is, in an important sense, to have everything right. To think wrongly about God is, in an important sense, to have everything wrong.

This morning as I began to read I prayed, "Lord, teach my mind to think, my heart to believe, and my mouth to speak." I've been thinking a lot about work these days. Probably too much. Definitely too much. I keep thinking about how I'm not showing up in the space as a leader, how others get preferential treatment, and about how my boss is not trustworthy. I may be whining. Which is way I probably need to step away from thinking about it so much. Do I believe there are some real injustices in how I am treated? Yes. But is that not training for the fight?!

My thought life needs a cleansing. I think negative thoughts far too often and believe it is time to begin making more of a conscious effort to bring those thoughts to the obedience of Christ. What my heart believes, and what my mouth speaks will likely follow suit. Of course, there is interplay. I must show my right beliefs to get my thinking straight, and must open my mouth to speak truth to build my heart. Yet, the way we think about things is central to how all else happens.

Lord Jesus, I ask again for these three to align. Heart, Mind, Mouth. Let them come together in You, in Truth.

In Jesus Name,


Romans 10:9


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