You Comprehend My Path

The Discipline of confession brings an end to pretense....Honesty leads to confession, and confession leads to change.

As I read through the last section, readying in my mind to meet with Tim tomorrow morning, I though about how much "pretense" there is in my own life. I thought about the kids I get mad at for doing the stupid things they do, and the adults. But on some level, do I not completely understand? "I am chief among sinners!"

I've thought recently, within the past few days, that life is starting to become more "life". At first, and for a long time, and probably still, life was work. But now I am trying to make time for kayaking, and breakfast with my wife, and not working in the evenings. I'm not totally there yet, but I'm getting there. But honestly, I'm still really mad at the people I work with. I feel like so much of what comes toward me is spiteful and demoralizing. Yet, given this morning's reading on confession, how much do I do the same things to these people? "Not as much as they do", I will immediately say on impulse, reflex defensively. But a more thorough examination might not have me standing on ground higher than they at all. And that's just fine.

I've said in the past, "I never want to be above it all, because then everything is beneath me." In similar fashion, God has put us all, humans, on the same level. We're all sinners. We all have impulses and proclivities toward the harmful. Can I see Christ in my enemies today?

Lord Jesus, I have been "good" and I have been "bad" as a representative of Christ, whatever that means. I have served in ways that others don't, yet I have blocked myself from serving in ways rather simple and natural for others. I can lack compassion. I am not a rock star Christian. But please, Lord Jesus, say that I am a mere Christian. Help me to see You in others. Especially my enemies. Help me to pursue the way of the cross wholeheartedly, and indefinitely.

In Jesus Name,


Psalm 139


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