Captivated Into Maturity

My two main recurring thoughts over the past few weeks have been around the idea of being fascinated versus captivated, and the idea that maturity is being able to do what's best. Both ideas contain within them messages I need to hear and grow in.

Fascinations fade, while captivations capture. Fascinations are arresting, while captivations are gripping. Fascinations become fads, while captivations become pursuits. The question becomes, considering maturity, what am I captivated by? I don't believe there is a firm footing for maturity without having some sort of good having a gripping hold on you. What is mine?

Dear God, help me to progress in maturity. I saw a man yesterday doing the work he was supposed to do, with such conviction and intent that it was moving. I wanted to be like that man in the world, yet not I, yet not he.

In Jesus Name,


*That man is Michael Rallings


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