I Love You in the Morning

This morning I tried to still my mind some, to be open to God. Most often during meditation time I will try to get to a place of reception but instead allow distraction to congest my thoughts. Before long I am thinking about whatever my interest is for the day and I sort of drift away from the "sacred". I guess because of my meetings with Diane I am challenging myself to clear my mind and stay in that place so that I can be open to hearing from God.

As I was in that more open place this morning, I was contemplating allure and woo. I was thinking about how I so quickly get allured into doing things because I think they are the right thing to do, because they have some high ethical value usually, but when it comes down to the discipline to continue in that thing, I tend to wane pretty quickly. I am not a disciplined guy (in some senses). But about allure and woo, I felt that allure is something that happens from inside of me (see the book of James) and woo is something that happens from outside (see God).

The last "feed" I got this morning was in recalling The Leftovers, a show Jess and I are watching. There was a scripture from Job 23 that was read and it impressed me because of the perspective portrayed from the author of the scripture. It's a perspective that I want to own more for myself, but I cannot say that I honestly do. Am I terrified of God, of His awesome power? Do I meditate on His word night and day? Have I kept His word and not stepped aside?

Lord, I am a man often perplexed, and I hate that place, but I pray that I commit to the things that I am seeing that you are leading me into, without committing to the things that I feel I should be doing. Overcommitting may be killing our relationship. Help me to follow the Leader, and "stay in my lane".

In Jesus Name,


The Leftovers Comparative Liturgical Analysis Job 23+


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