"I'm Just Not Feeling It", and Other Evidences of Being "Merely Human"

This morning I wanted to dig into the project work that I've been thinking about nonstop. But there was a nagging in me that I should start my day with some kind of contemplation, some kind of sitting before God. I've been wanting to make a greater commitment to that end, "in the morning when I rise".

Sometimes, let's be honest, many times, I'm just not "feeling it". From past words of wisdom received from others, and from past experience I know that you can not base your faith on your feelings. Nonetheless, I find myself in that place of wanting sublime feelings all the time. But as I look to have a more stable faith life, a robust and convincing faith life, I am going to have to put my faith in something a little more solid, less fluctuating than feelings.

I behave much of the time as a carnal Christian, one flirtatious with the ways of the world. But I cannot stay in that place, as a babe, forever. I believe God has so much more for me, but He has work to do on me first before He can trust me to be out there, winning and discipling souls. So, what is the antidote? Dying to self, living to God!

This morning I recalled several scriptures to assist me in the "give feelings a rest" movement that I hope I'm joining for a while. I have found these scriptures helpful in considering how God paces change with humans. He goes at the speed of life, at times fast when there's momentum and things will stick, but most often slow; slowly building into us permanence.

Lord Jesus, whether I'm feeling it or not, help me to be a committed believer, to do the things I am hearing, but to not overdo it, but rather be a believer. Not merely do as a believer does.

In Jesus Name,


Following Jesus When I Don't Feel Like It - Part 1
Rethinking the "Carnal Christian" - Piper

1 Cor 3:1-4 - "Are you not being merely human?"
Rom 6:2 & 11-14 - "How can we live any longer in sin?"
Gal 5:16 & 24 - "How do you not gratify the desires of the flesh?"


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