In His Steps: WWJD?

"And so it goes throughout our day: a prompting here or a drawing there, sometimes a bolting ahead or a lagging behind our Guide. Like a child taking first steps we are learning through success and failure, confident that we have a present Teacher who, through the Holy Spirit, will guide us into all truth." CoD pg 167

Yesterday I asked God "what can I believe You for today?" I thought about Emmy and Steven coming that night and I thought, "ok, that's probably it" and prayed that our night would be full of the Lord. Waking up this morning, a hangover again, I'm not so sure that the "full of it" was the Lord. But I am not unsure either. But I did shift my perspective some. To me, a night full of the Lord is a night where I am full of the anointing and others are overwhelming blessed by my presence. I should much rather wish for the Lord to be in the mix and we all blessed by His presence.

My desire to be the neo-like "one" is a sign that I retain immaturities, and insecurities. I love the few lines that Foster scratches out above. When walking with someone, we sometimes get out ahead of them and have to slow down, or we get distracted and slow down and have to catch up. Jess often has to tell me to slow down when we're walking together. Even though I want her to speed up, I slow down; I would rather walk with my wife then get somewhere faster.

Why don't I apply that same logic in walking with God? Is it because I am not considering us walking side by side, He and I?

Lord Jesus, help me to walk with You today, to pay attention. If I get out ahead, help me to slow down and look to my side, see that You are there. Then, carry on.

In Jesus Name,


Rom 8:4
Heb 12:1
Eph 6:13


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