Learning to Fly (Without Wings)

Jess and I went to a counseling session yesterday with Therez. Emotions began to well up in me, as they do, when Jess was sharing how I push her into hostility, and I had to pretty much eat it. I feel we really only addressed my part of the dysfunction (when my expectations are not met I found ways to corrupt the conversation and convey accusation), but it's ok, because my part is probably the major part. Hopefully, Jess will, however, examine her own hostility, as that likely is not coming from a good place. The best advice we received from Therez was that we learn to read each other. That we pay attention to each other's body language and words, that we see when we've pushed too much. For me, that I ask questions more than give suggestions.

This morning I'm relating that sentiment to my relationship with God. The way that I have to develop a sensitivity to my wife, I have to develop a sensitivity to God. And with both my wife and God I have to develop (return to) a confidence that can help me maneuver well. I have to get my swag back, my mojo. These scriptures are helping me:

2 Pet 1:3-4 - We've got everything we need already! We've been given promises to participate in the Divine Nature!

1 Cor 15:1 - Sometimes we have to be reminded of the gospel which we received. On which we stand!

2 Cor 5:6-7 - We are confident in the things we do not see! We got it like that!! (see also Heb 11:1 NIV)

Lord Jesus, we have been given exceedingly precious promises on which we rely. I am not sure footed, I am clumsy, but I can be confident that You are leading me and that you've given me all I need. Bring me to a place of confidence with others and with You so that I can live life with the vigor and enthusiasm You intended.

In Jesus Name,


One last note: to complete the article series from yesterday I read on. My key takeaway:

"Our feelings have to catch up to our obedience." Lord, help me pay attention to what You're telling me to do.


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