The Way We Were

Jess showed me a picture of us 6 years ago and it kind of wrecked me. I was handsome, she beautiful. We looked happy. We were about to be married. We've always had trouble communicating, but I felt the sting of it a little more yesterday, not the least bit due to too much wine. Nevertheless, there are dissatisfactions that I have. What do you do with those?

Such is life. There will be dissatisfaction. But am I will to fight today for joy? Am I willing to soldier for a better life and to sacrifice for the things most important? My wife, my daughter, the students that I serve, the body of Christ.

Today's reading in CoD was about preparing for worship and that we should have a holy expectancy about God's presence, and the power associated. What does that look like on my worst days? On the days where I feel hum drum and numb, what does it look like to have holy expectancy of connecting with Jesus Christ risen and alive, connecting with the Father through Him?

Lord Jesus, I was happy once, can I be happy again? Can you put me together in Your fashion, by Your design? Am I already being built that way? I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

In Jesus Name,



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