A Basis for Carefree Living

We will never have a carefree indifference to things until we trust God. ~Foster

As I come to a close on CoD, the last word is "trust God". It seems like a cop out, like something that will not be respected by today's man or woman, given the high level of basis that everyone wants their decisions to lay atop. But the question is, what kind of basis do we seek? Scientific basis, researched basis, substantiated basis? These all certainly have merit in the material world, but what basis do they have in the realm of the unknown, of the not yet seen, or the unseeable? Yet there is a profound "basis" for Christianity. Not the least of which is the "cloud of witnesses" but there is more.

There is what God has done for me in my own life, there is scripture, and there is longing. There is something deep inside that wants to connect to something deeper. And it is in that deepening that we find the Deep One.

Who also really knows how to keep things light. And that's really what this post is about. In finishing the book on celebration we have a word, a final word, on JOY! How do we get it? In Philippians 4:4-8 we have profound guidance. Live carefree, release everything in prayer, and dwell on the good. These ingredients Paul advises, and Foster conquers, to live a carefree, joyous life.

Lord Jesus, this morning I called on You to draw me. I pray I am coming to realize that I cannot pull myself by sheer will and effort to where You are; if You do not draw me I am lost to finding You. But we have been promised by You that You will do Your part and that You are happy to do so. And so, let me rest in You. Let me not count it a cop out, indeed, let me opt in to grace and mercy, love and hope, and faith.

In Jesus Name,


Phil 4:4-8
Matt 6:25-34
Matt 11:28-30


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