Don't Look Back in Anger: Forgive!

Loved from CoD today that holy obedience keeps worship from becoming an opiate. Rather than being an escape from reality, worship draws us to make real and lasting change in reality. I got further clarity on the kinds of changes I need to be making right now: letting go of resentment. Forgiving! This message is being doubled for me in my reading of Liturgy of the Ordinary; my most recent reading was from the chapter on "Fighting with My Husband". In the Anglican church, the passing of the peace happens after the taking of the Sacrement, after recalling Jesus' forgiveness of our sins. How do you hold a resentment when you have the love of God in the forgiveness of Jesus staring you in the face? It's happened, and Jesus has parabled about it, but I don't want to be the kind of guy that Jesus would have to talk about that way.

I feel a new call to live in alignment to the things I believe, but know that I am not able to do what I'm called to do in the flesh. I'm even more excited to consider that perhaps God is calling me to become more acquainted to life in the Spirit to fulfill what He bids me to do.

Lord Jesus, I have acted like the life you call us to live is impossible, and it has caused me to give up hope on truly living a life for Your glory, but I have neglected a very simple truth, that You will supply for our needs from Your riches. Indeed, the life that You call us to live is impossible for us to live, impossible for me, but it's not me who is going to do it. It's You. Not I, but Christ in me. Thank you, Lord, for the great and precious promises, because by them we live Your kind of life.

In Jesus Name,


Reread Peter scripture from a few days ago "promises"
CoD - Fruit in Worship (conclusion, especially the part on resentment)
Liturgy of the Ordinary - Living out truth is hard work, gritty and real work. Read end of "fighting with my husband" chapter.


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