Easy, Tiger

It's not hard, but it ain't easy.

How often I get it wrong, but something really touched me out of Dungy's audiobook (mentor leadership); the idea that Jesus and the Father want the best for me. And they want me at my best. I often feel like I'm being scrutinized by everyone, including my Heavenly Family, but I am the one that's beating me down, being overly critical when it's probably not necessary. I read another quote yesterday from Adichie, something to the effect of "we can't decide in our mind what we want to be, we have to just be".

All of these things are leading me to the conclusion of just being my God given self. Being ok with making mistakes, but living wisely, learning from them. Being easier with myself. I cannot lead if I am not coming from a place of wellness, Shalom. And I cannot lead if I cannot put others before myself.

Lord Jesus, I pray that this year is a year of experiential learning, on the job training. Jess and I have talked so much about "head" learning, and that is not what we need. We need "heart" learning. Let me grow in heart this year, in compassion.

In Jesus Name,


Romans 5:8 - Christ died for us while we were yet sinners!
Matt 16:13-27


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