Expect More: Drink Wine Instead of Water

It's funny I had gone into this morning's time with the Lord excited about the section on guidance, thinking it just what I needed, personal guidance. I woke hearing Michael Card's "come to this wedding" song regarding Jesus' first miracle, turning the water into wine. I did not realize that both of those details, the section on guidance from CoD and the song, were speaking to each other.

The guidance Foster discussed was intentionally not individual guidance, but the kind of guidance that occurred for the early church Christians, corporate guidance of the Spirit. Much can be said on this topic, but he used as a fulcrum "when two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst" as both declaration of "assurance and authority". "There was assurance that when peoople genuinely gathered in His name, His will could be discerned".

And what of the water to wine miracle? What an odd miracle. With so much terrible going on in the world, this miracle as a first to kick off the Kingdom of God run that would begin with Jesus? But this miracle points out exactly the kind of end game thinking of God, the foreshadowing of things to come. We will be wed to Christ, and the wine will not run out. The wine is indicative of celebration. Lest anyone think that God is a stoic God that doesn't need to have a good time, they only need to look at this miracle. If anyone thinks that God only speaks to individuals and expects excellence in following from them (see "what is it to you, you follow me") then look to this as one of many instances where God says something to a bunch of people all at once. And what He speaks is about abundant life, an abundant life for many.

Lord Jesus, I am curious about what's to come. I long for Your Kingdom on earth, but at the same time I see the ways that I am lacking for the Kingdom's call. Help me continue to come, to taste and see that the Lord is good. Open a new page for me in following in corporate obedience to corporate guidance. Let your abundant life and shalom be the thing that marks our lives.

In Jesus Name,



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