To Be Willingly Constrained by the Ties that Bind

Maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace Eph 4:3

I was considering our conversation from last night, where it had gone. The Tulley's, the Block's, Jess and I were discussing drug addicts. It brought me back to all of the dysfunctional people from the Church that I remember hearing about or experiencing once upon a time. My dad, Pastor Hollohan, Jordan; people who revealed a real instability, but went off the deep end when they walked away from the Church. When you remember these instances of wildness, you can't help but think, what does Jesus think about this? Who was really following Him, what was real and what imagined? Is any of this real?

It's very important for believers to maintain their connection to each other, and to be submissive to each other. Believers start unhinged and have a tendency to go back to dark places if they don't stick together in the bond of love.

Lord Jesus, I don't have a lot to say this morning, more to consider. Am I bearing the burdens of my comrades? Am I speaking the truth in love? Am I growing more mature in You? Bring me, please Lord, to a greater place of confidence that "I believe I too have the Spirit."

In Jesus Name,


Psalm 133
Eph 4:1-3
Psalm 46


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