While it is Called Today


We have come to the end of this study, but only to the beginning of our journey. We have seen how meditation heightens our spiritual sensitivity which, in turn, leads us into prayer. Very soon we discover that prayer involves fasting as an accompanying means. Informed by these three Disciplines, we can effectively move into study which gives us discernment about ourselves and the world in which we live.

Through simplicity we live with others in integrity. Solitude allows us to be genuinely present to people when we are with them. Through submission we live with others without manipulation, and through service we are a blessing to them.

Confession frees us from ourselves and releases us to worship. Worship opens the door to guidance. All the Disciplines freely exercised bring forth the doxology of celebration.

The classical Disciplines of the spiritual life beckon us to the Himalayas of the Spirit. Now we stand at timber line awed by the snowy peaks before us. We step out in confidence with our Guide who has blazed the trail and conquered the highest summit.

On looking back at CoD, how well Foster put it that we are at the timberline. He rings a necessary tone of confidence in beginning the journey. The Spirit will not fail us in guidance!

Daily I struggle to believe. It all seems so fanciful, and so much so, that it risks implausible. C.S. Lewis would term this sensation "a myth that is true". My journey right now is to live in right now. To take what I have learned and apply it. Though I struggle, to continue to struggle. To make better decisions. To obey. To sacrifice. To love.

It is not very complicated this gospel. I make it complicated. Deny myself, take up my cross and follow Him. When I'm overcomplicating things, I appreciate that Jesus had heart and soul piercing, and mind penetrating, clarity. He was able to get His message across very well.

Lord Jesus, help me to have a focus for the things that You have given me to do, to do them well. Help me to listen today, to learn. Help me to put my shoulder to the plow, but also to meditate and pray. Lead me into all the things You would have for me while it is called TODAY.

In Jesus Name,


Hebrews 3:7-4:2


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