An Emphatic "YES!"

Yesterday Jess and I talked about our church. She told me that in the next few weeks she was going to visit Memphis Tabernacle down the road. The part she needed our church to be, in sermons, in actuality, was just a small slice of what it actually was. I reminded her of the friendships she had at the church, to which she responded, "not enough".

There was a moment during the sermon where I understood what my wife was talking about. At the end. To finish and send us off, the pastor asked us, "do you have a God who is big enough to be with you in the prison seasons?" And that's where he left it. I thought an emphatic "YES!" would have made all of the difference.

Right now I'm listening to Tony Dungy's Mentor Leadership and I'm nearing the end in Methods, for which he has 7 E's to describe. Dungy is most emphatic that encouragement is a non-negotiable for the mentor leader. I really like the quote he uses to open up the section as well, "correction does much, but encouragement does more," Goethe.

Lord Jesus, I pray that I am making a turn in my walk, or straightening out, whatever the right way to say it would be. I pray that my confidence is increasing, but not in myself; in YOU! I finished LoTO last night, and Warren shared how she breathed easier in the Anglican setting, where it was less about her performance, more about the context. It's not up to me to get it all right, it's up to me to keep my eyes fixed. It's less about charting out than seeking out. Here's the thing, if I'm not confident in You then I will always live in conflict. So, help me to be settled on this: You are my Lord, my King, my God, AND You want the very best for me. If those two things are true, then I can look to Your Kingdom first, knowing that all of these other things are being added unto me. Do you have my back, Lord Jesus? YES!

In Jesus Name,


Matt 6:33


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