We Do Not Preach Ourselves

There is a modern tendency to seek out just "why are we special?" We have to know that we are, that we are unique and better at  something than everyone else. Life becomes unbearable if we are not at least a hidden talent, an undiscovered jewel.

It's the way of the world, the way idol of influencers. We seek guides so that our hearts can worship and despise them. We love their masterfulness, we hate that it is not us. If we are not tamed, if we do not come to grips with who we are, if humility does not rule us, we become overruled by the way of the world, unruly. Whatever seems best wins, which becomes the thing most useful to us.

In 2 Cor, Paul drops on the Corinthian church a little gem. Of course, I feel like the churches in American cities very much are the Corinthian church, so this gem is one that I want to polish and look at a little more clearly. Or maybe I should rather prefer to leave the dirty bits on the gem, then I might understand the message better:

2 Cor 4:7 - "We have this treasure in earthen vessels"

But I really like where he starts. "we do not preach ourselves." I preach myself! All the time I cry, "look, I am special, I am valuable, listen to what I am saying."

Paul hinges the recognition that it is "not I" and yet there being a great treasure inside on "God who commanded light to shine out of the darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

Wendell Berry quotes his father as saying, "I've had a wonderful life, and I had nothing to do with it."

Lord Jesus, I have this treasure in a jar of clay. And I don't believe at all that You mind putting a priceless gem in a gritty old pouch for transport. On journey, may the gem find its way back to You.

In Jesus Name,


2 Cor 5:7


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