Which Seek First Economy?

Went to sleep last night in silence with Jess. Went to sleep feeling hurt... again. But if I am reflective I can observe how my sensitivities combined with my approach make for a defensive or aggressive posture on the part of others. Adding in that she has a general inability to communicate in a "soft word", it makes for the perfect recipe of dis-ease.

I'm really enjoying the Wendell Berry book that Jamin lent me. I pulled 3 passages from the Two Economies essay:

A similar purpose was served by the institution of the Sabbath, when, by not working, the Israelites were meant to see the limited efficacy of their work and thus to understand their dependence.
This above hit me, because I often think about Sabbath and rest in terms of restoration, but not in terms of our finitude. As limited beings, we need to "plug into" the Source. That is, if we are ever to arrive at our true capabilities, our capacity (which in Christ is pretty far out there!)
He is prepared for a future in which he will be prosperous, not for one in which he will be dead. 
What a twist of statement! And so true. We store up treasures for the future through hoarding, or some other strategy. Jesus teaches us a way that stores up treasure in Heaven, and the future. And Jesus' "method" works purely from a natural sense, that is "apart" from God, but, of course, that method has diminished potency. Real power, stridency, can be found by aligning our efforts with the God who runs the universe.
Only a little economy, only a good human economy, can define for us the value of keeping the topsoil where it is. 
I've seen it written elsewhere that Christianity is famous for finding path in the particular.  The Way is found in maintaining our small little piece of the world. In so doing we identify with our Creator. In all our failings, we humbly submit to Him, but to great surprise! "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God." 1 John 3:1.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the constant access You give us to Yourself. There are so many paths You provide to You. My heart is bent toward wickedness and so I find myself often retracting from You, inward to myself. I have trust issues! But Lord Jesus, please break through. On a daily basis, I need to find You, to hear You speak, to see You, and to love You... to know that I am lavishly loved by You. May I walk in renewed grace today, the new grace of today, and seek first the Kingdom of God, Your economy. And they may I go beyond that, even to seeking Your very heart.

In Jesus Name,



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