Nichole's Leadership Post

It's a privilege and great responsibility to lead, but it is also a reflection of my journey with God and the confidence I have in His purpose for me. I struggled for years with stage fright and being in leadership positions, but I remain in the struggle because I have a greater push inside of me to step out and use the gifts I've been given. I know they are for many reasons, but to share with the world and express my love for God is the greatest gift. Every time I sing, whether in front of people or not, it is some of the best experiences in my life. There's nothing like His presence and the relationship and connection we have with our Father. I have done a lot of soul searching to know why I do what I do. There was even a time where I considered leaving the worship ministry to pursue and grow in my teaching abilities, but both are part of me. Even though I am stronger in some areas than others, I am willing to be vulnerable and receptive to the path God guides me to. I will be singing in heaven and on earth because I know and am grateful to be chosen by God to do so. So if no one else will lead, I will, because He's worthy and I am empowered to. I know I'm not the best singer but worship is more than that. There is no divide between those who lead and those who don't, we all have a role and the same anointing. We're all leaders. I am not trying to convince anyone but hope that my perspective and experience can help in understanding and maybe rekindle or ignite the desire to lead. I am only one perspective, but leaders offer many different flavors of Gods goodness and I say the more the merrier! God wants to hear us all, but I realize not everyone is meant to be in the forefront. Ive been personally put in positions to speak in front of hundreds, sing the national anthem, been on the local news. Our Bishop and Pastor are part of the reason, and I've been connected with them for about 15 years. They are not afraid to make Jesus famous. I don't think I'm great but God is great in me. I hope to be a better leader than ever, to hear from God, and obey His will. I had a long enough break and am excited to see where God takes us next. I pray His anointing continues to overtake our ministry in all we do for Him. Love you all and, as always, I look forward to worshipping with you :) let's just focus on loving God and each other.


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