Loosen Your Grip to Hang Ten

If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.

Interesting thought to consider if Paul was more realist or romantic. The question has led me on an exploration I don't at the moment have time for, but I originally, of course, lean toward realist. However, he leans on sentiment, for sure, to accomplish his aims. He often seems to get angered by wishy-washy positions which aren't well thought out ("foolish Galatians", "if only for this life we have hope"), which leads to the premise of his being a realist. He really thinks through his position. On the other hand, he has no problem appealing to emotions ("the one for whom Christ has died is ruined", "having their faith shipwrecked"). 

I bring up the believability of Paul on the basis of reality because I find myself needing reassurance of the central tenets of the gospel. Is Jesus there? God? The Spirit? I need to know for myself, but I can be nudged along by those thoroughly persuaded of gospel truth. I just need to know that their persuasion is well founded. And then take it from there.

Prayer: Lord, I experience doubt and I slip into the cracks. Bring me back! And let the world I see in the light of glory not be too much to handle. But somehow help me to get enough of a grip on it to hang on. And eventually, "ride the wave". Hang Ten!!

In Jesus Name,







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