Jesus and the Ragamuffins

This past Sunday we finished a Discipleship series using Peter's naming of Jesus as Messiah, quickly falling to the flesh and being named Satan, and the rock being solidified in words in his 1st epistle. Peter truly exemplified ragamuffin faith in Jesus!

Sitting down with a couple of Church amigos, one an elder leading my friend and I in discipleship, it became clear that, though I want to come across this way, I do not have it all together. Matter of fact, when it comes to God, I am way more aspirational than experiential. And that's ok. Good even! It's important for me to realize that it is grace working in me, and it's nothing of myself. 

I look forward to the next weeks and months of working out my faith, and watching God work in us to will and to do. 

Mat 16:13-28
Pet 2:18-25
Pet 3:8-18

Dear Lord Jesus, help me to look at my calling, that not many among us are wise according to the world's thinking. But You have chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Only let me be as God's own fool.

In Jesus Name,



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