How are we raising our children today? What are the goals and values we have for our children? Is it secular? Is it media driven? Is it based on old time religion? How about for my child, what are my goals and values for her? There is a sense that I have that we are losing "the old ways", that we are willing to chalk them up to inferior attempts at life. In some ways perhaps they are inferior. Modern society needs modernity to navigate it, but I really can't think of a specific way that our ways now are better than their ways then. But I do see ways that the old ways are better, seeing as they were built on centuries of communal living. Our ways now are suited to the emergent qualities of life today, mostly due to technological advancement and the effects of capitalism. What I am seeing as a result of modernity is passivity. We no longer know how to do life, because life is evolving, emerging, changing all of the time. And I'm not talking about the life that one...
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