When We're Worlds Apart...

Yesterday I wrote the post at the bottom. It was triumphant, and approaching, euphoric, and maybe even risen. Today, I write from a somber place, because I've fatigued. The day wore on and so did grace and my vision of heaven. I think of the appropriateness of Keith Green's "I want to be more like Jesus". And, yes, "I seem to have a wealth of so many thoughts about myself." 

This morning, I took to the routine I'm trying to get going with God, listening to God Songs to start the day. One took me as particularly fitting, by Jars of Clay: "Take My World Apart". And so that is my prayer, Lord Jesus. Take my world apart. 

Did You really have to die for me?
All I am for all You are
What I need and what I believe
Are worlds apart
And I pray

Have you ever had a Jesus cocktail? C'mon, you know what I'm talking about. It's 1 or 2 parts Jesus, another part something else, and another part something else. Even as I write this, I'm thinking, "it can't be all Jesus all the time". But yes it can. We find all the other parts through Jesus and as He leads. (all these things shall be added unto you).

I am really stuck on "lead us not into temptation". Why say that? Why not say "lead us into truth". What stands out to me is that that part of the prayer starts with God leading. And it's pretty instructive considering that we have such inclination toward sin (see James 1). 

So, we read Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that's how I'm tying together the ideas of trying Jesus neat, no chaser, and letting that lead the way that avoids trouble. 


Jesus, You are The Way. Help me take You at Your word on that and find my course in You. 

In Jesus Name,



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