Unearth Buried Treasure

Sometimes I think too big and it puts me in a delusional state. I imagine myself to be more than I am, or capable of more that I can do. I consider leaps I am not ready to make. This is not bad in reflection, but it is poisonous if allowed to reside in my person. These days I am conditioning myself for the habitudes of life, to ready myself for any of the warranted leaps that may ensue.

Heavenly Father, help me to return to my place everyday, and may I find You there. The largesse of that Gift will enable me for any issue. Yet we carry this treasure in earthen vessels. 2 Cor 4:7

A Humble Prayer

My God! Through vessel weak and frail,
Wherein thy treasure hides,
I beg thy light, through darkened veil,
reveal my worth inside,

And when dark hours with me abide,
And I, alone, can't see
help me perceive thy treasure's light,
Thou hiddest deep in me!



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