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Denise Rocafort : Oh well, that was then, this is now.   4 years since... View memory You received this mail because Denise Rocafort shared these photos with you. If you no longer wish to receive email notifications of shared photos, unsubscribe here . Get the Google Photos app Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 USA

Unearth Buried Treasure

Reflection Sometimes I think too big and it puts me in a delusional state. I imagine myself to be more than I am, or capable of more that I can do. I consider leaps I am not ready to make. This is not bad in reflection, but it is poisonous if allowed to reside in my person. These days I am conditioning myself for the habitudes of life, to ready myself for any of the warranted leaps that may ensue. Prayer Heavenly Father, help me to return to my place everyday, and may I find You there. The largesse of that Gift will enable me for any issue. Yet we carry this treasure in earthen vessels. 2 Cor 4:7 A Humble Prayer My God! Through vessel weak and frail, Wherein  thy  treasure hides, I beg thy light, through darkened veil, reveal my worth inside, And when dark hours with me abide, And I, alone, can't see help me perceive  thy  treasure's light, Thou hiddest deep in me!

I've Found Jesus

Reflection: I'm reconnecting with the early days of my faith by listening to Delirious? Cutting Edge. It's a huge record that has always sounded like what the music of heaven from the voices of men will sound like. And whenever I listen to that record I'm summoned back to my grandparents house, in my bedroom, also my mom's bedroom in her time, praising my ass off! All the feelings come back of that new sense of redemption and enormous love, when I was bursting at the seams for God. Now I am still bursting at the seams, but it's a little bit more due to middle agedness, and maybe less to do about the fire of God. But I pray that it is shifting.  I was curious about Delirious?'s front man, Martin Smith, because he had such an impact on me. I read an article and what I got from it was sort of what I got from reading the Lecrae book, I Am Restored: there are these two phases of a life. There's an early part that is more power than wisdom, and then a later part t

You Belong to the City

Reflection I took some notes for prayer this morning. What I couldn't help but be struck by right away as I did the concentric circle thing for spheres of influence, was that, in modern life, many of our inner most circles are not concentric. My family life, church life, extended family life, and city life are not overlapping. At one time they were for my wife and I, but then we, as moderns, moved away. To be fair, that is not only a modern schema (Abraham, etc), but he moved and brought his whole clan and started something new. Maybe that's what we're doing. But Sadie Ann, Ella Rae, Muhammad, Musa, Nuah, and Nyla, Junior, and Ezra are all cousins living very differently and all over the country and world. How this schism? Can it be redeemed? Interestingly, I can tie this together with considering the rift with the Catholic church, which had so much unifying potential, but I get the feeling it was born amiss, amidst the power considerations of the Romans. And so, wishing we

Holy Roller

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written; "Be holy, because I am holy." 1 Pet 1:13 Reflection It's important to consider our roles. I am a dad, and a husband, a friend. A brother. There are many other roles, but these are good for my consideration today. For each of these roles I think of the admirable qualities of someone I'd consider to be a role model. Someone that we'll call, "holy". A dad halts all he is doing to tend to his child. A husband puts his needs aside to care for his wife. A friend loves at all times. A brother is a keeper. It is much easier to observe the indicators of holiness than it is to be the holy you want to see in the world. But for today I will try. I fi